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Lot #101- Oak Bookcase (ALL CONTENTS INCLUDED) Swiffer, Tide, Febreeze, Lightbulbs & MORE
AliciaN69 05/31/23 7:51P $10.00 AliciaN69 outbid the previous bid by Gonzni
Gonzni* 05/31/23 7:27P $9.00 Gonzni outbid the previous bid by aes9000
aes9000 05/31/23 7:27P $8.55 Proxy bid was placed for aes9000 in response to a bid by Gonzni
aes9000 05/31/23 7:27P $8.00 Proxy bid was was placed for aes9000 in response to a bid by Gonzni
Gonzni* 05/31/23 7:27P $7.00 Gonzni bid was accepted, but was outbid by aes9000 using proxy bid.
aes9000 05/31/23 5:01P $6.00 aes9000 outbid the previous bid by Youngestvip
Youngestvip 05/27/23 9:35A $5.00 Youngestvip placed the starting bid.
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