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Lot #2-Suzuki Digital Player Piano with Matching Leather Bench
Draco1972 05/31/23 7:01P $188.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Draco1972 in response to a bid by Fun stuff
flapjack 05/31/23 7:01P $183.00 Fun stuff bid was accepted, but was outbid by Draco1972 using proxy bid.
Draco1972 05/31/23 6:55P $165.00 Draco1972 outbid the previous bid by Jolayucaipa
Jolayucaipa 05/31/23 6:53P $160.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Jolayucaipa in response to a bid by Roachy
Moser871 05/31/23 6:53P $156.00 Roachy bid was accepted, but was outbid by Jolayucaipa using proxy bid.
Jolayucaipa 05/31/23 6:16P $145.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Jolayucaipa in response to a bid by Draco1972
Draco1972 05/31/23 6:16P $140.00 Draco1972 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Jolayucaipa using proxy bid.
Jolayucaipa 05/28/23 5:27P $135.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Jolayucaipa in response to a bid by LetsGo123
DeletedUser 05/28/23 5:27P $130.00 LetsGo123 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Jolayucaipa using proxy bid.
Jolayucaipa 05/27/23 3:22P $100.00 Jolayucaipa placed the starting bid.
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